Ziekenhuisfarmacie e-mail www  
NVZA, Nederlandse Vereniging van Ziekenhuisapothekers secretariaat@nvza.nl Wetenschappelijke vereniging van ziekenhuisapothekers die onderzoek, innovatie en deskundigheidsbevordering stimuleert en bevordert. De NVZA werkt nauw samen met de KNMP.
ASHP, American Society of Health-System Pharmacists custserv@ashp.org ASHP is a 35,000-member professional association that represents pharmacists who practice in hospitals, health maintenance organizations, long-term care facilities, home care, and other components of health care systems.
EAHP, European Association of Hospital Pharmacists sec@eahp.eu EAHP is a working community of national associations of hospital pharmacists.
VZA, Vlaamse vereniging van ziekenhuisapothekers secretariaat@vza.be VZA is de beroepsvereniging van de Vlaamse ziekenhuisapothekers.
EAHP, ASHP, Proceedings from the FIP 2008 Global Conference on the Future of Hospital Pharmacy The Basel Statements, 75 consensus statements reflecting the profession's preferred vision of practice in the hospital setting. These statements cover all areas of the medicine use process in hospitals, including the procurement of medicines, preparation and distribution, prescribing, administration of medicines, and the monitoring of patient outcomes.
GlobalRPh.com   The Clinician's Ultimate Reference, a service intended to be used for informational purposes only. Abbreviations, calculaters, dilutions, drugs etc.
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